In relation to How tb works in the body , it should be said that infectious diseases are one of the most important things that can cause human harm. Infectious diseases have different ways of transmission.
Most of these diseases are transmitted by contact or breathing.
Tuberculosis is one of the types of infectious diseases. The mechanism of this disease is very complex and can cause many complications. Afghanistan Salamat website intends to tell you how tuberculosis works in the body.
Tuberculosis infectious disease
Tuberculosis is one of the oldest known diseases in the world and is still of great importance due to the risk of contracting it. The causative agent of tuberculosis is the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is easily transmitted from affected person to person.
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Tuberculosis or thrush is an infectious and transmissible disease that causes swelling and inflammation of one of the body’s muscles. It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. The worst part of this disease is that a person with tuberculosis may remain out of reach for years, but still cause the disease to be transmitted to others.
Several factors are effective for contracting tuberculosis, which include:
Causes of tuberculosis
Weak immune system: People with a weak immune system, such as people with AIDS, are at a higher risk of developing tuberculosis.
Place of residence: People who live in areas with poor sanitary conditions, such as lack of access to drinking water, sewage, and air conditioning, have a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis.
Age: The age of people who can get tuberculosis depends on various factors. In general, life expectancy is longer in younger people, but anyone can get TB, even babies and the elderly. In most cases, people with weaker immune systems, such as people with immune system problems due to diseases such as AIDS, cancer, or autoimmune diseases.
have a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis. Also, people who live in areas with poor sanitation and access to poor nutrition are at a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis.
However, if for any reason you think you may have tuberculosis, you should consult your doctor. to perform the necessary tests for you and, if necessary, start treatment.
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Lack of proper treatment:
People who have previously had tuberculosis and were treated inappropriately or incorrectly have a higher risk of the disease returning.
Drug use:
People who use drugs have a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis.
Poor nutrition:
People with poor nutrition, such as vitamin D deficiency, have a higher risk of developing tuberculosis.
Other diseases:
Some other diseases such as diabetes, kidney diseases and cancer can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of tuberculosis.
People who have a history of tuberculosis in their family have a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis.
Certain occupational activities:
People who work in occupations such as working with chemicals and toxic gases are at higher risk of contracting tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis treatment is determined based on the severity of the disease and the location of the infection in the body. There are also drug-resistant tuberculosis bacteria, in which case the treatment may not have a good result.
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Therefore, the treatment of tuberculosis should be done under the supervision of a doctor, and the person suffering from tuberculosis should show sensitivity when observing proper hygiene measures, such as maintaining marriage or having close conversations with other people.
How tuberculosis works in the body
Tuberculosis symptoms
The symptoms of tuberculosis and How tb works in the body are not always clear and may remain completely symptomless for several months, but in some people the following symptoms can be seen:
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– How tb works in the body can be in the form of chronic cough, especially at night
– Weight loss without a specific reason is one of the ways of How tb works in the body
– Fatigue and general weakness as the How tb works in the body
– High fever (more than 38 degrees Celsius), which is one of the effects of How tb works in the body
– Night sweats
– Chest pain
– Bleeding sputum from the respiratory tract
In relation to How tb works in the body , it should be said that in some cases, tuberculosis may spread to other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, brain, and bones, and show specific symptoms in these areas.
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It should be noted that the symptoms of tuberculosis and How tb works in the body is improved in some people and remains in some people forever. If you or someone in your environment has the above symptoms, it is better to see a doctor so that the necessary tests can be done to diagnose and treat tuberculosis.
Latent tuberculosis infection in the body
Latent TB infection or How tb works in the body means the presence of TB bacteria in the body without showing clinical symptoms.
In this case, How tb works in the body is such that the immune system is able to reduce the activity of tuberculosis bacteria and control them, but without treatment and treatment, tuberculosis bacteria can continue to work in the body and cause tuberculosis and How tb works in the body .
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Tuberculosis bacteria can hide among body cells and remain latent in the body. How tb works in the body is that in this case, tuberculosis bacteria are not active in the body for several years and do not show symptoms, but if the patient has a weak immune system, the tuberculosis disease will return and appear quickly.
If you have been tested for latent tuberculosis infection and the result is positive, it is better to consult your doctor to determine a treatment plan for you. Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection includes the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs and regular follow-up through the doctor.
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Also, prevention of tuberculosis includes living in unsanitary conditions, using drugs, and creating a clean and healthy environment at home and in the workplace.
final word
In this article, an effort was made to familiarize you with the infectious disease, as well as the factors affecting the development of the disease, the symptoms and How tb works in the body . It was also stated how latent tuberculosis infection works in the body and causes a person’s illness.
To learn more about All about tb in children in Afghanistan Join Afghanistan Health Center .
If you suspect this disease, it is better to go to reputable doctors in this field and do the necessary tests. You can also read other contents of Afghanistan Health website to get more information about this.